Support a cause by selling Canada's favourite chocolate.
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At Purdys, we create memorable and tasty gifts to delight your loved ones this winter. Browse our catalogue to find a variety of special items and give back with your favourite chocolates!
Purdys Seasonal Fundraising is simple, and free to use. Over the years, we've helped thousands of coordinators just like you exceed their goals. Based on the Winter 2020 results alone, over 88% of campaigns exceed their initial goals.
Our seasonal fundraising program is an excellent way to make lots of profit with chocolates that practically sell themselves. There’s no cost to start, it’s easy to promote, and yields fantastic results.
Purdys Seasonal Fundraising Program helps you achieve your fundraising goals faster by selling our chocolates and getting back up to 25% fundraising profit for your cause. As a bonus, you can also earn a rebate up to 5%. Start now by registering at, create your Campaign, and spread the word by sharing the link with your supporters.
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